Post by MMCDHoward on Jun 29, 2004 3:19:45 GMT
heres a pic "proving" that Paul was much taller than the other Beatles (ringo could be the tallest, as hes not pictured) so what do you have to say now?
Post by BillyJones on Jun 29, 2004 13:45:02 GMT
Hey WMWY -YOU CAN'T SEE THEIR FEET! It seems to work for you whenever you try to tear down another person's work You can't even see below their chests. They could be kneeling on something, standing on something, on uneven ground, not even ON the ground. I can go on & on with this. All joking aside, they're standing in a slanting line. I think that alone effects height perception.
Post by BillyJones on Jun 29, 2004 14:31:40 GMT
Danny - I'm sorry to see that you've already left the forum. On the off chance that you come back to read this, I want you to know that I see exactly what you see in the photo with Paul & Ringo's feet touching. I'm of the opinion that Paul wore lifts in his shoes alot of the time. I don't think he WAS much taller than Ringo. Not only that, but I don't think that Johnny or George were more than 5ft.10 in. tall in stocking feet. That's the only explanation I can think of concerning the photos where Paul looks to be not much taller than Ritchie. If you look at the majority of photos of James Paul ( before 1967 ), he had a small build. From 1967 onwards, he was no longer a person with a small build.
Post by MMCDHoward on Jun 29, 2004 22:27:34 GMT
First, of course the photo isn't right, I never meant it too be, it was to prove my point, which was simply that you can never, ever rely on photos where you can't see their entire bodies, and having a reference point is nice too because its possible to put the boys on a slant, then straighten them out on a computer, giving a false appearance of height. Goodbye danny(Chris) and Billy Jay (Chris) as I am soon to be banned
Post by BillyJones on Jun 30, 2004 21:26:01 GMT
I know you're still reading our postings WMWY. I'm NOT Danny. Just because someone posts photos, doesn't make them me. I'm not Red Lion either. He uses the Bitmap format, while I use Jpg. Also, you can clearly see if you look at the properties of the photos ( which I know you are VERY proficient at ) that they all come from different photo lockers I wish Danny would come back. He seemed to genuinely care about this issue
Post by abbey on Jun 30, 2004 23:26:36 GMT
MMcDHOWARD, I know you are Michael McDonald-Howard. So that's Ronald's brother, right and also the head of Howard Johnson's ;D
I don't see what the big deal is if a person belongs to 20 boards and uses a different name on each. Who gives a big rip? Sometimes you use a different identity because you might not be sure of the reception you'll get a certain board.....boy, did BJ and I find that out. Also if we can't know your name, then announcing either one of us is not fair, proper, or correct.
Questions: How tall are you? Are you blonde, brunette, red head? Color of your eyes? Glasses? Just teasing you, MMCDHOWARD.
Post by danny2 on Jul 1, 2004 0:04:36 GMT
Hello everyone, Let me give you my opinion about the second photo. I also have another size comparison that I want to make, between the younger Paul and the older Paul/Faul. I may get that in tonight also. Looking at the above photo, I asked myself, if I were Paul McCartney and I were taller than this photo portrays me as being, would I have accepted it the way that it is? I do not believe that I would have. For one thing, Paul has an image to uphold before his public and fans. He wouldn't have wanted his fans (especially the young girls), thinking that he was six inches shorter than John, and George. You can tell that Paul isn't sitting in this photo, and he doesn't appear to be crouching. If he were crouching down, then again it wouldn't make sense that he would want to look shorter than he actually was, if he were taller. So he would have probably insisted that George and John crouch down also. I believe that this photo represents the true height of Paul McCartney at that time. IMHO
Post by BillyJones on Jul 1, 2004 0:06:31 GMT
Danny - I do believe you are right ;D
Post by danny2 on Jul 1, 2004 0:15:18 GMT
Danny - I do believe you are right ;D Thanks Billy, I think that the first photo by Sun King of Paul with his Father is very convincing.. What I'm wondering is does his Dad know that Faul isn't the real Paul (that is if it's true) or is the guy in the later photo really his father?
Post by Red Lion on Jul 1, 2004 3:28:49 GMT
Another thing to look out for , though not necessarily related to the height issue, is that Paul had a smaller head than both John and George whereas Faul"s head was equal in size if not a little bigger. The above photo is a good example but I'll look for others for a good comparison.
Post by gracemer on Jul 1, 2004 5:43:52 GMT
If we knew how tall Jane Asher is we'd have a pretty accurate idea of how tall Paul was. I haven't been able to run down her vital statistics. Does anyone know?
Post by BillyJones on Jul 1, 2004 12:45:12 GMT
gracemer - someone posted that info to the NIR board. ABBEY & I were there briefly, before we were outed & left. Now I can't remember it it said Jane was 5ft. 5in. or 5 ft. 7in. tall Geez, sometimes I feel like I'm geting senile Danny - both photos are Paul's dad. Paul's father died in 1974. ABBEY read in one of the many books about the Beatles ( or was it just a book about Paul ) that Paul never made it to his dad's funeral. He was on tour at the time. Both ABBEY & I feel that this fact alone strengthens our case that he is indeed an impersonator. Do you know ANYONE who would not make the time to go to a parent's funeral? Especially the lone parent who raised you from the age of 12 onwards? Paul's mom died of breast cancer when he was 12 years old. Red Lion, you are very correct. Paul's head was smaller than Faul's is. His face was broader, His eyes were wider apart, his ears were bigger, his nose was wider, even his chin was different ( before Faul had a few surgeries to try to correct that ) Do you have any photos of Paul using his hands to do things? I added photos to the thread under this one ( Genuine vintage material still on sale ). I have quite a few of Paul using his left hand to do things that myself as a rightie, would use my right hand to do. I posted those. I also posted photos of him doing a few things with his right hand. It seems that he used his right hand ambidextrously to smoke, or to hold a cup or glass. Neither of those things involves great dexterity, so why not? It also seems that he sometimes used his right hand to wave & to use it to grasp things the same way that I, as a rightie, would use my left hand. Please Danny & Red Lion, feel free to add whatever photos you feel will help to show Paul's true handedness. Thanks everyone... Chris - Danny, I'm using Billy's User name because there was a big hullabaloo here last January. Somewhere in that mess, I was forced to go underground. Since WMWY was kind enough to out me here, I now can use my real name again. Thanks WMWY ;D
Post by abbey on Jul 1, 2004 13:50:43 GMT
Good posts, everyone. I totally agree with all of you. Billy pointed out many things that show an impersonator took James Paul's place. Like she said, "Would you miss your own father's funeral"? I doubt there is a one of us that would. If you cancelled a performance, the fans would understand when they knew why. And you could always reschedule a few days later with their tickets still being accepted.
Post by gracemer on Jul 1, 2004 14:16:05 GMT
I totally agree with the remarks about Faul missing his "father's" funeral. He didn't go to John's either. The Paul who would take time to buy a little girl a soda during one of his rehersals when there was no one to see isn't the same Paul who would publicly display such contemptuous public behavior towards loved ones. And Paul loved his dad. And he loved John.
Post by BillyJones on Jul 1, 2004 16:03:19 GMT
I agree 100% with gracemer. Although I have to say that I have seen quite a few photos of Faul playing with kids. I honestly think he loves children. I didn't know that Paul did that. Thanks for sharing that with us, gracemer ;D
Post by BillyJones on Jul 1, 2004 16:09:24 GMT
Danny - these are for you. I found them when I was posting the what feels like MILLION photos I just posted in the thread about genuine documentation still being available Lookey here: I honestly don't think that Paul looks more than an inch taller than Ritchie in those photos. I also think he looks less than happy that his photo is being taken when he's NOT wearing his lifts! Just IMHO of course ;D
Post by danny2 on Jul 1, 2004 22:29:36 GMT
Billy Jay, Those were great thoughts.. and thanks for the photo.. Here's a photo back at you.. I found this one that was left over from the Pepper album sessions. This proves that the Paul in these photos was a real person and not a stand up cardboard cutout as has been suggested by some.
Post by BillyJones on Jul 2, 2004 12:42:49 GMT
He definitely was a real person. My favorite photo from that session is the one where they're all sitting down. John is looking at "Paul" with a look of abject misery. He looks totally despondent. I'd have to guess that he was beginning to realize that taking all the drugs in the world was NOT going to dull the pain of losing his best friend & partner. George looks just plain stoned out of his face. Ritchie is looking away, & it seems like he'd rather be anywhere but there. Our dear Faul looks completely oblivious to all of that. He's just there having a good 'ole time After all, he was now the BELLE OF THE BALL!!! Check it out: Take care, Danny... Chris
Post by Delta on Jul 2, 2004 18:19:50 GMT
"i say high, you say low"
Post by BillyJones on Jul 2, 2004 19:46:27 GMT
Delta - AMEN to that ;D
Post by Power 2 The People on Jul 5, 2004 5:09:36 GMT
Haven't you all heard - LSD can cause sudden growth surges! Yeah, that's the ticket.
Post by BeatlePaul on Jul 5, 2004 10:01:07 GMT
Haven't you all heard - LSD can cause sudden growth surges! Yeah, that's the ticket. ...surely....
Post by BillyJones on Jul 5, 2004 12:45:58 GMT
I see what you mean. Poor Mick looks AWFUL in that 1st photo. Still, they match up PERFECTLY!!!
Post by BeatlePaul on Jul 5, 2004 13:40:34 GMT
I see what you mean. Poor Mick looks AWFUL in that 1st photo. Still, they match up PERFECTLY!!! ...mostly there are at least 30 (read: thirty) years between the photos....
Post by BeatlePaul on Jul 21, 2004 12:37:06 GMT
....it's all about DIMENSION NOT only HEIGHTS...